Download the beta desktop version of Myriad Anywhere

Apple Users:

As this is a very new application, your Mac may not recognise it. You may need to right-click the Myriad Anywhere application and click "Open" the first time you use Myriad Anywhere Desktop.


In recent months, Google have made a number of breaking changes to audio support in Chromium (the browser engine that Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Opera are based on). There is no way for us to work around these issues without asking users to downgrade their entire browser, which impacts security.

To avoid these headaches, we've made our own custom web browser, exclusively for Myriad Anywhere.

Beta Version History

1.0.7: Released 22/11/2022

  • Fixes a bug where mono input devices would not work properly on Windows
  • Fix issue where some close buttons would be pushed off the screen in maximized dialog windows

1.0.5: Released 4/11/2022

  • Fixes an issue where, if an invalid URL is typed into the launch window, the screen turns black.

1.0.4: Released 4/11/2022

  • First release